

“Business Conversations – Venezia” event at Palazzo Isola Nova: how it went

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The Venetian venue by Stella, Palazzo Isola Nova, became the stage for a fruitful meeting where the local business community could discuss a highly relevant topic, within an innovative setting for the lagoon. Discovering the event.

Stella sets among its objectives the transformation of Palazzo Isola Nova, the new Business Village in Venice, in a active hub for the localcommunity, in order to become the physical venue of a business center, but also to become a true opportunity enabler and activate a talk about business itself, its local facets and about topics of general interest.

For this reason,the event“Business Conversations – Venezia” happened on March 15th 15 marzo was centered around the very actualdichotomy between in-presence and remote workand it’s been moderated byAndrea Guida, expert in performing collaboration and Head of Product & Experience Engineering at Stella.

The purpose of the event was to place the ideas and experiences of the participants at the center, guiding them through an exchange that could become an opportunity to explore multiple perspectives, to observe the critical issues and positive aspects of the topic, and above all to take away useful insights in response to two central questions:

Is the choice between in-presence and remotw wok, really, the problem?
What rules and approaches could be used to address the issue properly?

The participants, therefore, were encouraged to work together in groups, sharing experiences and ideas about work, and were guided by Andrea towards real understanding of the impact that the type of work and the workplace have on companies, employees and teams the employees make up: the crux of the matter, indeed, is not the choice of one mode of work over another, but the balance between the company’s needs, resource optimization, and how all of this reverberates on collaboration in the company..

The event structure allowed participants to naturally grasp this characteristic, enabling them to receive insights both from the event moderation and from their colleagues, fostering a dialogue that triggered active participation. Andrea concluded with some suggestions for day to day operations, stressing somethign Stella firmly beleives in: every company is different and therefore needs workplaces that truly perform must be “diversified and specifically designed ad hoc for the type of work to be carried out and for the goals pursued.”, using Andrea’s own words during the event. The mode of work itself, whether in-person or remote, hybrid or smart, must be studied based on the needs, always placing the person who works and uses the workspaces at the center.

This conclusion directly refers to the concept of Activity Based Working, a cornerstone principle for Stella, which reflects “a flexible and dynamic approach based on the idea that workers will be more productive when they have the right spaces for their needs”.

Starting from the participatory observation of the limits of both types of work, the event aimed to emphasize that there is no single answer to what is often seen as a dichotomy between two different working modalities: the dichotomy actually relates to a much broader context, which needs to be approached rethinking the office and work itself, in terms of performance and customization based on the objectives as well as the real needs of those who work.

Palazzo Isola Nova, with its 13,000 sqm and parking at Isola Nuova del Tronchetto, being well connected to both the lagoon and the mainland, it is the new Business Village in the Lagoon and will soon open its doors to companies and institutions in the area thanks to offices, co-working spaces, business lounges, meeting rooms, and services,, providing tenants with ample opportunities to personalize the workspace, completely in line with companies’ needs and the new concepts of work and workspace..

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